Ever heard of the 250,000 cotton farmers in central India who took their own lives after being manipulated by promises made …
We’ve all seen those drug commercials on TV with pleasant-looking grandparents frolicking in a grassy field with an adorable puppy, …
As Americans, most of us are proud of our country, our freedoms, our rights, our armed forces and the privileges …
In the past chickenpox was no big deal. Kids were put in oatmeal baths to avoid scratching and scarring. Although …
Modern science and Western medicine can certainly save your life in certain situations, and nobody should take for granted the …
Every year, doctors, employers, schools, and health authorities recommend that children and adults get a flu shot. However, the influenza …
It can seem at times like the deck is stacked in every possible way against the victims of vaccine injury. …
You may have heard about all the vaccine bills that have been introduced across the country. Earlier this year, the …
It’s no secret that vaccines can and do harm innocent people. But just how many people have been harmed by …
Olga Khazan is a columnist for The Atlantic, but if you read her article, The Shadow Network of Anti-Vax Doctors, you might …
America has been under the spell of a vaccine hysteria due to the recent measles outbreak among unvaccinated Somali-Americans in …
Do you know the vaccine schedule for newborns and infants in the United States? In 2017, there are currently 27 …
While the mainstream media may love to laud vaccines, and proponents of the vaccine agenda praise Big Pharma’s injections as …
Every 45 minutes, a child is hospitalized in the U.S. because of a gunshot wound. Fifty seven percent of firearm-related injuries in …