News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
CANCER has been routinely induced by VACCINES since 1960
Oh, the insidious cancer industrial complex of America. Do not put anything past it. Vaccines have been dirty, adulterated and contaminated since the onset. You can’t even say the word ‘vaccines’ without some pro-vax-zealot/historian spitting up the name Jonas Salk and that supposed “medical triumph.” The highly-uncontrolled Polio vaccine experiment, and that’s what it was, […]
By S.D. Wells
VAX-INDUCED CANCER: Rare turbo cancers are accelerating in much younger people, so doctors and the corporate media blame it all on Covid, not Covid vaccines
New research reveals that dormant cancer cells are reawakening and growing at a rapid rate, even in young people, due to chronic and severe inflammation in the body. Covid vaccinations involve tricking human cells into producing millions of virus-mimicking protein prions that travel throughout the entire body, entering cleansing organs and even the brain, causing […]
By S.D. Wells
Likelihood of DEATH from Covid mRNA jabs a hundred times greater than from flu vaccines, research reveals
The former CDC Director, Dr. Redfield, just admitted on television that a number of Americans are “quite ill and they never had Covid, but they are ill from the vaccine.” Let that sink in for a moment. We’re talking about a doctor who was in charge of the Centers for Disease Control confessing that the […]
By S.D. Wells
What do cigarette addiction, alcoholism and mRNA vaccines all have in common?
If you are wondering what cigarette addiction, alcoholism and mRNA vaccines have in common, you can stop wondering now. They all cause chronic inflammation, cancer, respiratory strain and early death. Did you know that smoking cigarettes can cause cancer nearly anywhere in the body? It’s true. By combining ammonia, bleach, formaldehyde and pesticides in commercial […]
By S.D. Wells
SELF-INFLICTED CELL DISORDER: The real reason 270 million Americans chose to make themselves “SIC”
Have you heard of self-inflicted Sheeple disease? Most likely not, because the CDC, WHO and the medical industrial complex keeps it quiet, like when the Holocaust started. The main difference between the Hitler gas-chamber Holocaust and the Covid Jab Holocaust is that people are voluntarily lining up for the slow fix, rolling up their own […]
By S.D. Wells
Shocking connection now confirmed between AUTISM and COVID VACCINES
At one time, it was pure conspiracy theory to claim that the holy grail of medicine, “vaccines,” were the cause of autism, a neurological and developmental disorder that begins after birth, develops during the first few years of life, and often persists for decades, if not forever. Back in the 1990s, when autism rates skyrocketed, […]
By S.D. Wells
The REAL COST of Fauci’s failures
Big Pharma is infamous for inflicting horrific, chronic damage on the masses with experimental medications and vaccinations, then waiting several years before assessing the carnage and health destruction they cause. Then, once in a while, if the lawsuits are heavy, Big Pharma will actually admit to their atrocities, recall certain “products,” and even admit they […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 MYTHS about mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” propagated by Big Pharma and the CDC
Though we are four years deep into the “plandemic,” Big Pharma and the highly corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are still working hard to push propaganda, lies and untested “science” claims about the safety and effectiveness of the deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA jabs. For decades, the Western Medical Industrial Complex has claimed that […]
By S.D. Wells
FDA warns of HIGH SEIZURE RISK for children during first few days after receiving Covid-19 jabs by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech
Since hardly a child in the universe faces the threat of death from Covid-19, why take the risk of getting an mRNA “vaccine” for it, when those jabs pose a “significantly elevated” seizure risk? One thing is for sure, the old vaccine slogans of “benefit outweighs the risk” and “safe and effective” are both out […]
By S.D. Wells
The HIDDEN HISTORY of vaccines and the horrors of toxin accumulation
After World War II, the Western Medical Industrial Complex began medically experimenting on disabled people and minorities, including children, who were prisoners of the state held captive in mental hospitals. The doctors and scientists claimed it was for the “greater good,” just as Hitler said about exterminating millions of Jews, Blacks, disabled people, kids with […]
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