News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
More research confirms: There is definitely a link between autism and mercury
As some people continue to deny that there is a link between autism spectrum disorder and mercury, a pair of new studies have now been added to the growing pile of evidence illustrating just how wrong they are. The research involved meta-analysis of studies investigating the link between mercury and autism spectrum disorder that were […]
By Cassie B.
Nurses organize against anti-human rights “vaccine mandates” … see Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines
Most of us have to do things we’d rather not for our jobs once in a while. Whether it’s smiling in the face of a boss or customer we vehemently disagree with or participating in boring conference calls, we chalk it up to being “part of the job” and appreciate the fact that we’re employed […]
By Cassie B.
Detroit mother thrown in jail for refusing to vaccinate son while court orders father to get the boy “caught up” on shots
A Detroit area mother was thrown in jail for refusing to vaccinate her nine-year-old son. Rebecca Bredow and her ex-husband Jason Horne, the boy’s father, had originally agreed to space out the child’s immunizations in a divorce agreement instead of sticking to the traditional schedule, but after researching the issue further, she decided it was […]
By Cassie B.
Aggressive fear push on Lyme disease by the media just part of the plan to roll out a new Lyme vaccine
Lyme disease cases are on the rise in the Western world, and pharmaceutical companies are hoping to cash in on the illness with the help of a new vaccine. In the U.S., the number of confirmed cases of the tick-borne illness in 2015 was nearly 29,000, compared to 23,000 ten years earlier. Lyme disease can […]
By Cassie B.
BOMBSHELL: These teenage girls DIED of meningitis even after getting vaccinated… total media blackout
It’s not hard to find stories in the news urging people to get vaccinated against meningitis, particularly as kids prepare to go back to school. Plenty of headlines warn parents that their teens should get the jab before heading off to college, but hardly any of them discuss the fact that some people who have […]
By Cassie B.
Groundbreaking study on flu shots and pregnant women PROVES that flu shots weaken immunity in subsequent years
Doctors have recommended that pregnant women get flu shots for a long time now because pregnant women and babies have a high risk of complications from the flu, but many women are reluctant to take on the risks, particularly when there is no guarantee the vaccine will afford any amount of protection. A new study […]
By Cassie B.
In pushing malaria drug finding, the mainstream media accidentally admits Zika virus vaccines are obsolete
Although the Zika mass hysteria has largely died down, those who stand to benefit financially from the overblown illness are trying to keep it in the headlines. The latest news sees a malaria drug being touted as a possible treatment, and a mainstream media news story about the medication features a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it admission that Zika […]
By Cassie B.
Mandatory vaccinations announced by the French Government… how long until this medical tyranny hits the States?
The French government has just announced that parents will be required to vaccinate their children starting next year, joining a growing list of countries that are putting such measures in place. The policy will make it compulsory to get all of the 11 vaccines that are “universally recommended by health authorities.” Right now, just three […]
By Cassie B.
FDA now wants to eliminate side effect warnings from drug ads in latest collusion with Big Pharma
We’ve all seen those drug commercials on TV with pleasant-looking grandparents frolicking in a grassy field with an adorable puppy, living life to the fullest while an announcer talks about how Big Pharma’s latest poison is going to make your life every bit as joyful. Then comes the obligatory rushed reading of a list of […]
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