News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Natural News targeted in massive, well-funded, multi-nation DDoS attack to silence debate on vaccines
SECURITY ALERT: For the last 48 hours, Natural News has been subjected to a large-scale, extremely well-funded DDoS attack that caused intermittent outages of site availability. The attack began shortly after Natural News linked to this White House petition demanding an end to legal immunity for the vaccine industry. The attack has already been waged […]
By Mike Adams
Facebook blocks all Natural News article posts to 2.2M fans after site posts White House petition citing immunization dangers
In the latest outrageous example of total censorship against the independent media, Facebook has blocked nearly 100 percent of the sharing of articles from Natural News. It all began when a Natural News story linked to this White House petition demanding a moratorium on childhood immunizations for five years while toxicology experts study the skyrocketing […]
By Mike Adams
Learn how to survive superbug infections, pandemics and prevent disease in the “Immune Defense Summit” beginning in just a few days
The upcoming Immune Defense Summit is about to go live (in just five days), and I’m one of the featured speakers offering lifesaving information about preventing cancer, surviving deadly infections, treating superbugs with natural antibiotics and even making it through a pandemic. You can’t trust “official” sources on any of these topics, of course. The […]
By Mike Adams
Federal government releases financial settlement figures for vaccine injuries, shattering media’s false claim that vaccines never harm anyone
Even while the hopelessly dishonest, scientifically illiterate oldstream media continues lying to the public with the ridiculous narrative that “vaccines are safe” — read WashPost, The Atlantic, NYT or USA Today for a daily dose of vaccine holocaust denialism — the federal government has publicly released vaccine injury payout figures that prove vaccines routinely maim […]
By Mike Adams
HPV vaccine turns young woman into a shriveled, tortured vaccine victim with severe pain that never goes away
The entire corporate-controlled media in the United States maintains a total news blackout over the vaccine injuries that maim, disfigure and even kill children and teens across America. As part of the unapologetic news censorship, hideously unethical, child-sacrificing publishers like The Atlantic absurdly LIE to their readers, claiming vaccines never harm anyone at all (see […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine Injury Denialism is the denial of fundamental human dignity… see this highly emotional video of children damaged by vaccines
Vaccine Injury Denialism is rampant across the mainstream media, where child-abusing vaccine pushers like the New York Times, Washington Post and CNN deliberately contribute to the holocaust of vaccine injuries now devastating humanity’s children. Sadly, the same denialism about the alarming growth in medical injuries caused by vaccines is also endemic across universities, science journals […]
By Mike Adams
Autism, mercury, thimerosal and vaccines: Natural News releases large collection of scientific knowledge that’s been suppressed by the FDA, CDC and pharma-controlled media
The fake news media (CNN, WashPo, NYT, etc.) doesn’t want you to see any of the scientific evidence presented here for the simple reason that it shows mercury in vaccines is damaging to children. If printed, the collection of studies and author citations found here is over 50 pages in length, and it reveals precisely […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine court confirms healthy 13 year-old boy was made tetraplegic by the chicken pox vaccine
The debate about whether vaccines cause severe damage and harm to children is over. Anyone claiming vaccines cause no harm is willfully ignorant of reality, as U.S. courts have concluded, over and over again, that vaccines provably cause serious and permanent damage to children. The latest such ruling to garner attention concerns a 13 year-old […]
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