News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
The shocking reason why Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C … because it contains experimental nanotech components that have NEVER been used in vaccines before
You’re seeing the reports all over the news: Pfizer’s new coronavirus vaccine requires storage at -70C (-94F), which is much colder than the North Pole. If it’s not stored at this temperature, its ingredients begin to break down and it fails to work. Currently Pfizer is claiming, without evidence, that its vaccine is “90% effective.” […]
By Mike Adams
VACCINE DEATH WAVE: UK government posts bid for AI system to process the expected flood of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and side effects described as a “direct threat to patient life”
While the lying, treasonous mainstream media is telling us all that covid-19 vaccines are perfectly safe and “95% effective” — and this lie is being repeated by PJ Media, Breitbart and other so-called “conservative” news publishers — the UK government has posted a bid and an award contract notice, seeking an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system […]
By Mike Adams
New video shows PROOF that AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine is made with aborted human fetal tissue
A new video overview of the COVID-19 vaccine label for AtraZeneca’s vaccine reveals that it’s made with MRC-5, a strain of aborted human fetal tissue. The video was originally posted to Instagram. It walks the viewer through a closer look at the packaging labeling of the AtraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, beginning with the ChAdOx1-S(recombinant) designation on […]
By Mike Adams
VAX THE BLACKS: Joe Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce member recommends withholding food stamps and rent assistance from those who refuse coronavirus vaccines
If you vote for tyrants, you get tyranny. This is what millions of Joe Biden supporters are about to discover if their candidate manages to steal the election and seize control of the White House. A prominent member of Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be […]
By Mike Adams
COVID-19 vaccine trial participant DIES… AstraZeneca downplays the death and continues the medical experiments on the remaining humans
A person who volunteered for the medical experimentation on humans with the COVID-19 vaccine has died during clinical trials, reports The Epoch Times. The death was confirmed by government officials in Brazil, where the trial was taking place, and the company whose vaccine is being tested in the medical experiments — AstraZeneca — says it […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Covid-19 isn’t a pandemic plan, it’s an EXTERMINATION plan for humanity
About a year ago, I gave a live presentation in Branson, Missouri, that is only now being made fully public. The presentation, shown below via, reveals that the real master plan which led to COVID is actually an extermination plan for humanity. Population reduction has been the goal all along. But where the globalists […]
By Mike Adams
The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV) streams tomorrow… and with coronavirus vaccines just around the corner, this information is more important than ever
With coronavirus vaccines just around the corner, it’s more important than ever to learn the truth about vaccines. Beginning tomorrow, the complete 10-episode docu-series, “The Truth About Vaccines” streams online, for free (registration required). Click here to register and watch all the episodes for free. Here’s some of what the TTAV video series covers: The […]
By Mike Adams
OBEY OR ELSE: New England Journal of Medicine says people refusing MANDATORY coronavirus vaccines should be severely punished, locked in their homes and fired from their jobs
Welcome to the new medical fascism of 2020. The New England Journal of Medicine, the same fake science rag that committed total fraud to dishonestly smear hydroxychloroquine and protect the interests of vaccine companies, is now saying that all human beings must be forced to take mandatory vaccines. Those who refuse should face severe punishment, […]
By Mike Adams
Coronavirus vaccine trial subjects report extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath, day-long headaches and shaking so violently that one of them cracked a tooth
Get ready for the depopulation kill shots that cause severe neurological damage and lobotomize anyone stupid enough to take them. Even mainstream media outlet is now reporting that vaccine trials conducted by Moderna and Pfizer are producing extreme side effects in trial subjects. “High fever, body aches, headaches and exhaustion are some of the […]
By Mike Adams
Children’s Health Defense and RFK Jr. release “message of unity” video calling for health freedom advocates to #StandFirm against vaccine mandates
Children’s Health Defense ( has released a powerful video carrying a message of unity for humanity. The video calls on health freedom advocates to #standfirm against mandatory vaccines and to reject the vaccine mandates being pushed by bureaucrats and vaccine industry mouthpieces who seem to care nothing about safety. Via Children’s Health Defense is proud […]
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