News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
Paul Offit, the de facto salesman for the global vaccine industry, admits that vaccinations are “violent acts”
Dr. Paul Offit is a vocal advocate for the vaccine industry. Having created a vaccine himself, the RotaTeq vaccine, it comes as no surprise that he is an active shill for the pharmaceutical industry. Even after the RotaTeq vaccine was linked to some 200 infant deaths in 2011, Offit has remained a dedicated defender of […]
By Vicki Batts
Is the mysterious “polio-like disease” sweeping America caused by vaccines? Herbicide exposure?
The Centers for Disease Control recently revealed they are investigating 155 possible cases of “polio-like syndrome,” or acute flaccid myelitis. So far, 80 cases of acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) have been confirmed in 25 states, as of November 2, 2018. While health officials say they “don’t know” what’s causing the outbreak of polio-like symptoms in children, […]
By Vicki Batts
CDC video PROVES that vaccines are being rushed to market without proper testing and verification
Shocking video footage from a recent CDC meeting shows that everything the media tells us about vaccine safety is a lie. Despite the media’s claims that vaccines are thoroughly tested and undergo rigorous safety examinations, it turns out the CDC is blindly approving vaccines without any evidence of safety. Concerns about the safety of getting […]
By Vicki Batts
Adjuvants found in vaccines have led to an increase of autoimmune disease
Despite Big Pharma’s attempts at slandering science that sheds light on the toxic reality of vaccine ingredients and their potential to cause harm, scientists around the world have continued to study vaccine adjuvants and their relationship to autoimmune disease. Immunologists from Israel have recently confirmed what past research has long suggested: Vaccine-induced disease is an […]
By Vicki Batts
12-year-old girl becomes paralyzed after being injected with Gardasil… doctors say it’s all in her mind
Vaccines are heralded as “life-saving” medicine, but for Mia Blesky, that’s anything but true. The preteen from England was given the first round of the Gardasil shot at school when she was just 12 years old, and life has never been the same ever since. Within just 24 hours, Mia’s Gardasil nightmare was already unfolding. […]
By Vicki Batts
It IS the vaccines – Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines linked to autism
New research has shown that the aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines are linked to an increased risk of autism. While the pharma industry and their media puppets have been slandering and maligning vaccine skeptics as being “anti-science quacks,” “conspiracy theorists” and other derogatory names, it turns out that once again, it is the industry which […]
By Vicki Batts
Dr. Brian Hooker debunks the myth that vaccines are “safe” for pregnant women
Despite the claims of safety, Dr. Brian Hooker is speaking out about the fraudulent science being used to promote the vaccine agenda. According to Dr. Hooker, a past study held by up the industry as “evidence” that it is safe to inoculate pregnant women is actually nothing more than a farce, and is another piece […]
By Vicki Batts
Flu vaccine propaganda: Real science vs the CDC
The great campaign to coax more Americans into getting a flu shot seems to get more aggressive every year. As the mainstream media continues to push the narrative that flu vaccines are some sort of miraculous tool for keeping illness at bay, vaccine skeptics like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are speaking out – and shedding […]
By Vicki Batts
Pinterest claims that if you question vaccines, you are spreading “self-harm” and must be banned
In the land of the Left, freedom of speech is no longer. Left-wing censorship is expanding at an incredibly disturbing pace, with conservative pundits being wiped from social media spaces across the internet. Pinterest has joined the likes of Facebook, Google and Twitter by waging war against independent thought — and declaring that anyone who […]
By Vicki Batts
MORE studies confirm the link between childhood vaccines and autism
While the pharmaceutical industry, and their puppets in mainstream medicine and media, continue to claim that there is no link between vaccines and autism, multiple scientific reviews have confirmed what we’ve long suspected: A common vaccine ingredient is indeed connected to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). As World Mercury Project reports, two recent studies have highlighted the […]
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