News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Same Biden regime that won’t even bother to save Americans in Afghanistan claims everyone should take vaccines because the government cares about saving lives
As much as Donald Trump was accused by the left of being incompetent and incapable when it came to domestic and foreign policy, his presidency was, by any measure, one of the most successful in the history of our country. Trump created one of the best economies we’ve ever had; there were more jobs than there […]
By JD Heyes
U.S. Navy commander sounds the alarm on mandatory COVID vaccine for all military: It will create a national security crisis
Regular readers know we’ve been reporting that the injuries and deaths related to the experimental COVID-19 vaccines are much higher than previous vaccines, but that doesn’t seem to matter to the powers that be in our government. In fact, the more harmful they become, the more our left-wing, Marxist authoritarian masters are pushing them, even […]
By JD Heyes
Here come the endless COVID booster shots! Fauci says it’s “likely, inevitable” they’re never going to end
We’ve come a long, sad, maddening way from “two weeks to bend the curve” of the novel coronavirus spread to mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports and now, endless COVID-19 vaccine boosters, which, if you don’t take them, you’re not going to be able to fully participate in society. The biggest COVID-19 fraud of them all, Dr. […]
By JD Heyes
Here it comes: CDC director ‘warns’ of endless COVID vaccines as we’re just ‘a few mutations’ away from the original vax being made obsolete
We’re not sure who is more evil at this point, the Communist Chinese for manufacturing COVID-19 and unleashing it on the world or the Big Pharm system that is creating one new billionaire after another over endless vaccine cycles. But one thing we do know: Almost no one in power is being honest about this […]
By JD Heyes
Blue counties in Florida where COVID-19 vaccination rates highest are driving that state’s alarming rate of new infections
While there are literally millions of different viruses around the world, most of which, of course, are benign, there is one thing that defines those which afflict humans most: Mutation. The first thing a virus does when it is met with resistance, for the most part, is to mutate so that it can continue to […]
By JD Heyes
Preeminent European physicians, scientists push back on claim that children must be vaccinated for COVID: “Unnecessary” and potentially “catastrophic”
Scores of top, European senior scientists and physicians are railing against plans by leaders to vaccinate children and adolescents for COVID-19 because they say there is no evidence it is necessary and plenty of reason to believe mass inoculation of youth could be “catastrophic” in terms of health outcomes. LifeSite News notes: Eminent European physicians […]
By JD Heyes
Pentagon set to make all troops take experimental COVID-19 vaccines despite the injuries that are occurring to younger people, giving another advantage to Russia, China
Russia and China are increasing their strategic and military ties as they watch the hapless, weak and mind-addled Joe Biden falter as president of what once was the most powerful and free nation on earth. The two countries and one-time rivals are holding more military exercises, sharing more advanced technology (especially what they steal from […]
By JD Heyes
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer engineered agreements with governments saying they had to pay for the COVID-19 vaccines whether they worked or not, with NO recourse for injuries or failures
Blockbuster revelations posted to social media earlier this week make it clear, again, why fewer and fewer Americans trust Big Pharma and other medical corporations. A Twitter user posted a copy of the contract Pfizer, who makes one of three COVID-19 vaccines along with Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, requires governments to sign who purchase […]
By JD Heyes
Wait, what? RINO Mitch McConnell orders Americans to vax-up with COVID jab or he’ll join Dems in shutting the country down again
Data from last year’s miserable lockdowns that lasted months longer than they should have in mostly blue states is just starting to come in, and from the looks of it, we’re safe in saying that shutting down the globe’s No. 1 economy wasn’t the smartest idea in the box. In fact, if you look at […]
By JD Heyes
YouTube is now censoring government meetings that it doesn’t want the public to see… is Big Tech now dictating what governments are allowed to say?
Just to show, again, how wealthy, powerful, and out of control the major social media platforms have gotten, YouTube has now assumed the right to censor — yes, censor — city council meetings if the speech Nazis who work there don’t like what’s being said. A North Carolina county board of commissioners is ripping Google-owned YouTube […]
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