09/13/2021 / By S.D. Wells
Most allopathic Americans are petrified of germs, bacteria and viruses, and believe that the only way to survive year in, year out, is to be vaccinated repeatedly with whatever the CDC says is “safe and effective.” These 200 million Americans bought the long con, that human immune systems are frail and ready to give up upon any “serious” infection, whether by pathogen, bacteria or virus. Little do they know, everything they do to stay “safe” is weakening them more and more, to the point that they lead themselves directly into the very threat they are so consumed by (Covid anything), thanks to the media and faked science (or just no science at all).
The fear factory is a propaganda machine that spits out tragedy and solution, tragedy and solution, but the “solution” comes in the form of vaccines that cause blood clots, heart failure, cancer and dementia. How, you ask? “Spike proteins.” Trillions of spike proteins are making the vaccinated very weak, then add in the bacteria-laden masks, anti-bacterial everything, isolation from society, toxic food, fluoridated water and the list goes on. These folks are walking time bombs, and the booster shots may just be the “dynamite” that sets the whole thing off.
Thanks mostly to mask-wearing, social distancing, vaxxed sheeple, here are the most common ways disease is spreading during the pandemic:
#1. Covid vaccines cause antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), which makes it easier for COVID viruses to enter cells, make you sick (or sicker) and thus more contagious.
#2. Covid masks breed bacteria in the mouth, throat and lungs, which can turn into pneumonia, making the mask-wearer more susceptible to Covid and thus a symptomatic carrier.
#3. Covid vaccines load up the bloodstream with trillions of spike proteins, clogging the blood and restricting oxygen and nutrient flow, thus severely compromising the vaccinated victim’s immune system.
#4. Social distancing and home quarantining deprives humans of exposure to certain bacteria that help build immune health and good gut flora (we need a balance in our gut of about 85% good bacteria, and 15% bad).
#5. Millions of people go to the doctor’s office, clinics and hospitals for medical “treatments” that wreck immune system function (think antibiotics and vaccines) while exposing the patient to other sick people for no good reason.
#6. Vaccines and masks provide a false sense of security, since neither has been proven to be safe or effective, so people are more inclined to think they can’t get sick and make bad choices accordingly. The brainwashed Brits, for example, want to wear masks forever.
#7. Misinformation about natural immunity, including the downplaying of the power of supplements like vitamin D, zinc and medicinal mushrooms for fighting off Covid, means millions have missed out on available, effective treatment.
Funny how the vaccinated treat the unvaccinated like lepers, when it’s should be the other way around. The vaccinated are the compromised. The vaccinated are the weak that are MORE susceptible to the Wuhan-lab-made-killer-cold. They’re called Antibody Dependent Enhancement illnesses, and they’re ongoing for the Covid-vaccinated sheeple.
The vaccinated walk among themselves feeling high and mighty that they’ve been jabbed with something, anything made in a lab. They feel safer now, but it’s all an illusion. Delusion.
The herd theory has changed, and it means the herd infects the herd, and that’s why we’re seeing massive outbreaks of Covid in the cities and nations where most of the populace has already been vaccinated, twice. The herd is being injected with trillions of spike proteins (J&J), or spike-protein-creating RNA instructions for creating trillions of spike proteins.
This time the cattle are a few billion people around the globe, and that number is slowly rising, especially for anyone working at schools, corporations or in/with the military. Time for your quarterly clot shot. The line forms around the block to the Left (pun intended). It’s World War III, but instead of using automatic weapons and bombs, they’re killing the masses slowly but surely with deadly vaccines.
Tune your smart device to Pandemic.news for updates on the upcoming “booster” vax-termination agenda and other crimes against humanity involving spike-protein-bioweapons.
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Tagged Under: infections, outbreak, pandemic, spreaders, super spreaders, toxic vaccines, vaccine blood clots, vaccine death, vaccine disease, vaccine disorder, vaccine injury, vaccine spike proteins