07/15/2021 / By S.D. Wells
The definition of solicitation is not limited to the selling of a product or service, but also includes urging, petitioning, requesting, enticing and alluring. And since that hasn’t worked, the Covid Regime thugs in Washington DC are now readying to send armed federal troops to your door with a few FEMA reps to question you, prompt you, record whether you’ve been China Flu vaccinated, and if not, convince you the inoculations are for the “greater good.”
Instructed on paper to “Ignore No Soliciting Signs, Use Your Script,” the SS-Vaccine Police are outright told to knock on doors without regard to privacy or laws put in place to keep that from happening. Per the door-knocking documents that were leaked from the Biden administration, they talk about missionaries across America spreading lies illegally to convince Americans that vaccines aren’t causing blood clots at pandemic proportions while having already murdered over 7,000 people. That number could be as many as tens times that amount according to doctors with inside information and statistics from VAERS, the vaccine injury reporting site.
This is not some friendly knock at your door about a community program or church drive. This is plain sinister and evil pharma going door-to-door, promoting depopulation vaccinations, while recording dissenters and their location for their next (and final) visit.
Here come the British. Here comes the Nazis. Here come the Russians. No, wait, it’s the Americans coming to kill the Americans. What kind of war is this? It’s domestic biological terrorism, and the Democrat Party is going door-to-door to coerce, with force, any Republicans, Conservatives, Red State patriots, resisters and refusers who try to deny the death-jab, that comes with the slogans, “Safe and Effective” and “We’re all in this together.”
Knock. Knock. Hello sir, ma’am, gender-fluid people? Anyone home that can answer a few simple questions about how you vote and if you think vaccines are scary? We are with the Health Department’s “Community Health Ambassador Outreach” team, and we have armed guards to help protect you, so won’t you please open the door and talk?
In the leaked documents, we see the SS Vaccine Police script to encourage and convince the door-knocking shills and goons that they are doing the right thing and that it’s not illegal:
Door-knocking spreadsheets are being filled out to see who’s deplorable or not, and map out where they live. These are called pockets of resistance. If you let these villains know that you’re not vaccinated and that you question the science, they will document it, and you may wind up on a domestic terrorist watch list, or an extremist watch list, soon to lose many certain privileges, or simply be jailed, Delta-injected, and killed.
All SS-Vaccine Police are instructed to explain right away that they are not selling anything, that way it won’t sound like their privacy intrusion is illegal, even though it still is illegal. It’s time to check with our Sheriffs about protecting our guns, because this vaccine squad will morph into a gun confiscation squad next, faster than Covid-19 morphed into Delta Variant.
The main targets for the SS-Vaccine Police of America are seniors and high school females. Just like Hitler wanted to take out the weak first, also known as “burdens on society,” seniors in America are collecting social security from the government, money that doesn’t exist anymore, and they’re already weak and sick. Get it? Also, since Covid vaccines are proven by science and clinical research to KILL 4 out of 5 babies in the womb when their mothers are injected, then we know why Jill Biden is hitting up the high schools on her death jab tour — to sterilize all the young ladies, especially Conservatives.
Covid-19 vaccines are not safe or effective; they’re unsafe and defective. Visit CovidVaccineReactions.com if you already got a dirty jab or two and feel like you’re sick and dying. Then call an attorney. Also check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: COVID, covid delta, covid tour, medical fascism, Medical Tyranny, obey, vaccine, vaccine danger, vaccine death, vaccine injury, vaccine solicitation, vaccine squad, vaccine wars, vaccines